Saturday, January 4, 2025

Day 3: In sickness and in health

Rankala Lake in Kolhapur city

Today I am in my hotel bed here in Kolhapur. I should be getting up and trying some light food this evening.
Tomorrow is a day event in a village outside Kolhapur. I should be OK for that.
After a very enthusiastic  and enjoyable evening in the village hall outside Kolhapur, we came back to our hotel to sleep. We were high and buzzing. 
After the ecstacy, it's the laundry (as the saying goes).
Around midnight I felt very ill (I'd eaten a village curry). It was a night of serious vomitting, unfortunately. I crawled back to bed and finally awoke at 8am. I was weak and washed-out. Realising I was dehydrated, I washed down rehydration salts and climbed back into bed.
In a very touching way, by 9pm my room was awash with team members, hotel staff and local Buddhists all showing concern. SN went and got various medicines, and NM brought coconuts and extracted the milk, which really helped.
But all I wanted to do was sleep - which I did. 
I awoke around 3pm and feel on the mend. I'll get up soon. 
This is India, and these things can happen. People around me are so kind.
Meanwhile AB and others are out and about getting on with various projects. The tour goes on.

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