Thursday, January 2, 2025

Day 2: Kolhapur khaddi

After a good night in our small Mumbai hotel, we five were up early and took two taxis to get us through the utterly mad traffic to Mumbai domestic airport. Breakfast was veg samosas.
I am jetlagged. Last night I slept from 9pm to 1.15am when I awoke totally wired. I spent much of the early hours meditating and writing emails. 
My body will right itself soon.
We are a harmonious team. It is borne of years of India projects together. I feel lucky to have such friends.
Late morning and early afternoon were very nice with a large reception for us at Kolhapur airport. After coffee at someone's house, we went to a Buddhist house-warming. These events are a big deal in India. There was 80-90 people there. A moving ceremony and a huge amount of photos followed by a late lunch taken on a traditional thali on the floor, Indian-style. 
Thankfully Kolhapur is cooler and less humid than Mumbai. 
After checking into a nice hotel, we went to a village on the outskirts in the evening. The small village hall was rammed with people, and we had a satisfying evening of various activities. There was puja, cultural singing and we had a talk on the significance of Dr Ambedkar. There were over 120 in attendence. SN and I found it hard to meet all the demands for selfies and kids wanting autographs!  It was a great evening.
As the evenings are thankfully cooler here in Kolhapur, I took my Indian khaddi waist coat.
Food was laid on and it was excellent.

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