Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Convention concluding

The Convention has reached it's last day and I've very much enjoyed the atmosphere and the people, the talks and walks with folk.

Tuesday afternoon, I visited Diksha Bhumi, the huge stupa built on the site of Dr Ambedkar's mass conversion. I went with friends Aryavati, Adityabodhi and Manjuvaca. It was moving to see the very place that the great man converted, together with 400,000 of his followers.

Nagamitra has been kindly ferrying me by motorbike to and from each day.

This afternoon I am due to give a talk to the Convention on the subject of Right Livelihood. As this was only requested of me three days ago, I have had to quickly write something. But that is done now. So here we go....

I am recovering from the unpleasant virus that is doing the rounds here at  Nagaloka. Cough, sore throat, fever and low energy. I have only had the sore throat and low energy part, but my energy is back fully, the sore throat is recovering and I have a light cough. A Dharmacharini Doctor gave me antibiotics from her room. No need for a prescription! This India.

On Saturday, I lead a workshop day for the Buddhist Hospital Doctors. It's all go.

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