Saturday, December 31, 2022

Virus interlude

The last few days since the end of Convention, myself and those around me are struggling with the sore throat/cough/cold virus that seems to be sweeping it's way across the planet. I'm just emerging from the worst and we are attending the opening of a new retreat centre today. Yesterday, I wasn't able to lead the Buddhist Doctor's workshop, so Adityabodhi and Chandrabodhi kindly led that. I simply had a day's rest - the first since arriving here. The virus leaves you a bit weak, so it will take a few days to build back up again.

I have had a few whatsApp chats with family & friends in the UK and they are coughing away with the same virus, unfortunately.

Otherwise, life is good as we move towards the final stage of the tour, which is flying back to Pune and the final set of workshops there. Look forward to that. Before I badly went down with the virus, had some delightful visits to Buddhist houses around Nagpur.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Convention concluding

The Convention has reached it's last day and I've very much enjoyed the atmosphere and the people, the talks and walks with folk.

Tuesday afternoon, I visited Diksha Bhumi, the huge stupa built on the site of Dr Ambedkar's mass conversion. I went with friends Aryavati, Adityabodhi and Manjuvaca. It was moving to see the very place that the great man converted, together with 400,000 of his followers.

Nagamitra has been kindly ferrying me by motorbike to and from each day.

This afternoon I am due to give a talk to the Convention on the subject of Right Livelihood. As this was only requested of me three days ago, I have had to quickly write something. But that is done now. So here we go....

I am recovering from the unpleasant virus that is doing the rounds here at  Nagaloka. Cough, sore throat, fever and low energy. I have only had the sore throat and low energy part, but my energy is back fully, the sore throat is recovering and I have a light cough. A Dharmacharini Doctor gave me antibiotics from her room. No need for a prescription! This India.

On Saturday, I lead a workshop day for the Buddhist Hospital Doctors. It's all go.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Good times in Nagpur

We all four: Adityabodhi, Nityasri, Nagamitra and myself got the late night flight from Kolkata to Nagpur on 23rd December. It went smoothly and we landed at NM & NS's flat in Nagpur. It's a good flat and AB and are staying as guests until after the end of the Triratna Indian Order Convention.

We are situated near Nagaloka, the huge Triratna training institute where the Convention is being held. There's over 500 of us here, and the atmosphere is great with talks, good food, collective practice and lots of friendship.

I am not the only Westerner, there are three others. I had thought there would be no duties for a week for me and I was looking forward to that, but no, the requests have come in and it was impossible to say no. So tomorrow, I shall address the Order on the subject of Right Livelihood and on the 31st I'm leading a workshop day for Buddhist Hospital Doctors. There's no shortage of variety on this Teaching tour for a 63 year old arthritic British Order member who speaks very little Hindi.

Woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat but paracetamol and Strepsils have got me functional again.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Work in West Bengal

I am here in West Bengal with Adityabodhi, Nityasri and Nagamitra. We have been all over West Bengal from Kolkata right up to the border of Bangladesh. There has been a lot of people to meet and Dharma programmes to do. The work that NM & NS has done in the last few years is phenomenal. Triratna activities are slowly but surely growing and a good sangha is already established. 

We are close to renting a place for practice in the Northern suburb of Kalyani, north of Kolkata. Most of our activities are based there, plus the towns of Palta and Bagula. 

Last weekend, we had an excellent retreat and made our first Mitra. He now wants to be an order member. We have other mitra requests in the pipeline. We have had many other local programmes since then and I have given a handful of talks. The  interest in Triratna Buddhism is clearly there. There is a range of social classes involved.
Travelling around this region has its challenges (not least the packed local trains) but we are received with so much warmth and hospitality. Tomorrow, we fly to Nagpur and attend the Indian Order Convention. I look forward to that.

The UK Christmas feels a very long way away.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

INDIA 22/23

I have been here in India exactly a week now. It feels a lot longer than that. Not because it is especially challenging ( I am very used to India), but because it is so intense. I am very much enjoying myself. My programme has been so filled, I have hardly had time to catch up with myself.
The flight out went smoothly. I landed in Mumbai at 09.30 on 8th December and was hit by a wall of 30 degree humid heat. My specs immediatly steamed up.

The indefatigable Adityabodhi (AB) was there to meet me as ever - my closest friend. We will spend 24/7 together for over a month now. Immediately we were whisked off by the yoga-teaching Sughosh to Chaitya Bhumi, the Dr Ambedkar death stupa on the shores of the Mumbai shoreline. That was a good start. We then drove the 80 miles to AB's home in Pune. Since that time, it has been an intense round of Dharma work, where I could not possibly meet all the demands from folk wanting me to come to their houses/vihars/classes etc. It's nice to be wanted! AB and I did what was possible. Our days start at 5 and we do 2 hours of meditation & puja before heading out to some event. It  continues pretty much up to bedtime at 10. If I get 30 minutes to myself, I'm doing well. I have really enjoyed these events. With AB's help, I led a Mitra Day workshop on the 8 Lokadhammas at the Mahavihar. 205 attended. This was followed by two Order workshops, where I introduced a new Shakyamuni sadhana practice. I've given 4 talks already. Then the Police visited me in the middle of an event. Why was I in Pune? Could we see your visa? Despite being big tough men, they were very friendly and all was well in the end.

We have also accepted many, many invitations to stay or eat in Buddhist homes around the vast city that is Pune. We also visited a monastery on top of a mountain that was in process of being built.

Now AB & I are sitting in a crowded & sweaty Pune airport lounge, waiting for a flight to Kolkata. All being well, we'll be there by around 9 this evening, and the next chapter of the adventure begins.

Day 31: Homeward Bound & End of Blog

The Gateway of India The overnight stay at Hotel Accord in Mumbai was good. Saturday morning we rose at 5am and made our way by ...