Monday, July 12, 2021

Land's End gets 'done'

Here is me at Land's End today. I arrived in Penzance last night from Paddington and stayed with Akashadevi at her house. It was nice to get to know her a bit and meditate together this morning. She was generous and hospitable and the stay was a pleasure.

I took the wrong route to Land's End, thinking it would be nice to take a back road. Big mistake!! The hills were like the Himalayas and it was hard enough pushing the bike up them, never mind ride up them. It was hot. On arriving at LE, I found it overrun with tourists sporting ice-creams and taking selfies. It was hard to get a shot of me at the famous 'signpost' but eventually managed it. After a cheese & onion pasty and coffee I took the main road back to Penzance, which was easier, but still hilly. Am in a rather basic B&B now. It's on to Truro tomorrow, It's 38 tough miles so I'm setting out early.

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