Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Day 2: The Crucible: Penzance to Truro

Today was a surprise in many ways. Set off from Penzance at 8am after a hearty breakfast. What followed was 40 miles of the toughest riding I have ever done. Serious hills which I spent a lot of time pushing the bike up. Too steep to ride up. The ride down some off the hills are real thrillers (though I am careful). The morning was cool but by lunchtime it was blazing hot. Beautiful Cornish countryside, but definitely not cycling country. What a test! Another one and a half days of such terrain and things flatten out a bit in the heart of Devon. I was told the first few days would be hard-going and this seems to be true!

The good news is that I reached my day's destination - Truro - by 1pm, my 40 miles done. I spent the afternoon lazing in Truro Abbey gardens drinking coffee. Am now in my B&B and am showered and feel perfectly fine. It shows that the 15 months I spent training for this ride is paying off. Though the next day and a half will be similarly hard, it will get easier as the terrain evens out and I get fitter. After today, I feel cautiously confident.


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