Friday, July 16, 2021

Heat and Dust

After a good afternoon and evening with my family, I returned to my B&B feeling well. I slept well. However, I rose at 6am feeling nauseous again. It is the return of whatever I had last week.

I was a bit worried as I knew I had 45 miles to ride through Exeter to Wilmington and that it would be a scorching day. I couldn't face a full veggie breakfast, so just had muesli, fruit and yoghurt. I felt better once out on the road. It was mostly a day of riding country back roads, with some hills but nothing like Cornwall. I felt fine but the afternoon heat was brutal. I need to be completely covered up.

Got to the B&B at 5 and my hosts are warm and helpful. They even washed my cycling gear and put it out to dry. As I write this, the nausea has returned. I don't know what to do, other than carry on. I've taken rehydration salts. Hopefully a good night will improve things. It's Glastonbury tomorrow, which is not as far as today. Each day brings some new challenge.


  1. Dear Saddharaja, so nice to hear from you, sending loads of metta from India. Sudipta

  2. Thank you, Sir! Namo Buddhay! Jai Bhim!


Day 31: Homeward Bound & End of Blog

The Gateway of India The overnight stay at Hotel Accord in Mumbai was good. Saturday morning we rose at 5am and made our way by ...