Saturday, July 17, 2021

Heat and Dust 2

Today was another tough one, ultimately. But the morning through to lunchtime was a nice ride through beautiful countryside and mostly quiet roads. I am now in Somerset.

Last night's stay in Wilmington was restorative. A beautiful old house not unlike Abbey House that I live in, and the same period. A Brazilian lady looked after me very well and we had good chats. I had a bedroom just like my own in Cambridge with sloping walls and floor. However, I went to bed still feeling nauseous, but woke up feeling fine! So far, I have felt well all day.

Am now staying in an anonymous chain hotel in Street, near Glastonbury. The manager is young helpful Polish woman who has taken my bike storage seriously. The downside is the all-day noisy drinkers in the outdoor bar outside my bedroom. But I'm not that bothered. I've got a nice room and can rest and recuperate.

Today I spent 10% of my ride 'pushing up', i.e. pushing the bike up long, steep unrideable hills. Only 10%. In Cornwall it was 90%, and in Devon it was 50%. As we are in a long heatwave, afternoon temperatures are scorching. It does drain your energy. Currently, this big ride isn't enjoyable a lot of the time. It is more a case of enduring it. I know it will improve as the heatwave ends and the terrain continues to improve. I have been buying bottles of Lucozade - a drink I would not touch, normally. But in the afternoons, the glucose really helps. 

I met a lovely Indian couple and their three children at the B&B last night. We talked about the Elora caves. They had named their daughter Elora after the caves. I thought how that might work in the UK. 'Wokey Hole' would be an odd name for a child!


Day 31: Homeward Bound & End of Blog

The Gateway of India The overnight stay at Hotel Accord in Mumbai was good. Saturday morning we rose at 5am and made our way by ...