Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Disaster strikes

 I'm not really well enough to write this but want to let you all know what's happening, I fell ill today and fell off my bike - having fainted. Onto a grass verge. I was lucky. It's embarrassing. I was violently ill and vomitted all over my bike shirt.

Had wonderful stay with Varasahaya and Shantipala's place in Garway. So good to spend time with them. The were so generous and such good company.

Shortly after leaving them I felt a return of the nausea I've been getting on and off for two weeks now. Also a gripping sensation in my intestines - once again. Ploughed on 40 miles in the heat feeling increasingly rough. Couldn't eat lunch. Drinking lots. Eventually found myself looking up at trees with the bike lying on my leg. Realised I'd passed out. The heat wasn't helping. Took 3 hours to do 3 miles, I felt so bad. Used all my water washing myself so I could present myself at the B&B in Knighton.

Called NHS Direct and asked for a doctor. Not Covid. Not norovirus, he thought. Wasn't sure. Maybe an intestinal parasite, he thought, or just a long bug. I needed rest & treatment. Tomorrow can get various trains back to my son's in Cheltenham. Will stay there, rest and see his GP - if possible.

I am slowly facing the fact that this could mean game over as far as the ride is concerned - at least for now. I feel too weak to carry on right now. Getting medical help will take time. I am very, very disappointed and upset.Also confused and not in my right mind. But I must face this. More tomorrow. Let's see how I am then. Need to sleep.


  1. Thinking of you dear Saddharaja and really sorry to hear you are feeling so unwell. And the terrific heat can't have helped. Am pleased you will soon be at your son's and able to rest and hopefully see a doctor. Love sanghadevi

  2. Thank you, Sanghadevi. I'm afraid it is still vomit city at the moment.

  3. Shantipala & Varasahaya here: so sorry to hear the news. You were in such good spirits this morning and it was such a pleasure having you here for the evening. It must be very disappointing but you must get whatever bug has got you sorted out. Pressing on in this heat is just not an option. Get well soon. You've already made a heroic effort. Well done. Much love

  4. Eek, take care old chap. Love Sukavi

  5. Just get better....So good to know your safe!


Day 31: Homeward Bound & End of Blog

The Gateway of India The overnight stay at Hotel Accord in Mumbai was good. Saturday morning we rose at 5am and made our way by ...