Thursday, July 22, 2021

Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun


I am lying in a nice tent with a cool breeze coming through - trying to regain my strength. I'm back in Cheltenham at my son's house - being looked after.

This morning, I just about got myself and bike on a series of trains from Knighton in Wales to Cheltenham. I managed not to vomit, despite the train swaying about.

Yesterday is bit of a blur. The morning started so well - leaving my friends in Garway feeling enriched by their company. By the time I visited Hereford Cathedral and saw the Elgar statue (see pics) there was a rising tide of nausea and I was worried. The bike photo was taken shortly before I callapsed on the road to Knighton. I was still hoping I would rally.

I shall get some medical help now before returning to Cambridge - hopefully in a few days.

I think the gods were not in my favour on this trip: the extreme weather, my underlying illness bug...also no less than 5 B&Bs had cancelled on me as their staff had been 'covid-pinged'. Some of these B&Bs were in remote Scotland where alternative accommodation would be hard to find.

Today, I feel disappointed, but OK. It's a dramatic way to have my Big Ride cut short, but I couldn't control it. I planned everything well, except for the possibility of getting Ill. I DO want to complete the trip, but it might need to wait until next Spring. My brother has offered to support me with a camper van. That feels more do-able. Probably what I should have done in the first place...

So it's alright, really. I rode the 'hard part' the first 420 miles. I didn't die on the road, thankfully or cause serious harm to myself. I've raised money for the project.  Just a bit embarrassing and dramatic. Whatever condition I've got will surely pass or can be treated.

Disappointed not to be able to ride through Scotland, in particular. But Scotland will wait for me.


  1. Oh I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve fallen ill and have to interrupt your trip Saddharaja - but we’ll done for getting as far as you did in the blazing sun! With much metta, Akashadevi

  2. Hey Saddharaja

    So sorry you’ve gotten so ill on the trip! It sounds like you most very definitely need to see a doctor, and I’m glad you are going to be getting medical help.

    Let us know how you are feeling!


  3. Thank you everyone for all your concern and well-wishing. I will keep you updated on the diagnosis on this blog. Love, Saddharaja

  4. Sorry to hear you've needed medical help and had to cut the Big Ride short. Your enthusiasm and determination shine through though, and the land will be waiting for you next year, if it comes to that. Metta, Felicity (Bury St Edmunds sangha)


Day 31: Homeward Bound & End of Blog

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