Thursday, June 2, 2022

Day 12: Before the Fall

Here we are on the train heading back to Cambridge. Despite the disappointment of not finishing the ride, we both feel we've had an awfully big adventure. Hundreds of miles of great cycling and scenery, and meeting many great people.

The best came last. John and Irene England of Clune House in Newtonmore, were truly lovely, caring people. They will hold my bike in their garage so that I can arrange to have it packed up and posted back. Not only did they run a great B&B, they were great people in every way. Not every B&B owner would relish a callapsing guest but they took it in their stride.

Prajnakara has his bike with him and I have my basic gear. Saddhahadaya will meet us at Cambridge station.

This weekend I am urged to get my hand into a cast. The pain is still really bad.

Before my accident, our last ride had been really good. Here are some pictures.

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