Saturday, June 4, 2022

Day 13: END OF BLOG: Fundraising completed


Prajnakara and muself are now riding off into the sunset. Our fundraising ride is over and we have completed our fundraising mission. So much money has been raised for the Kolkata Project, and we are very happy about that.

The two rides I did over 11 months added up to nearly 900 miles of cycling. Most of the Land's End to John O'Groats trip. Finishing suddenly at Newtonmore in the Highlands meant that we had only another 212 miles to go. Well, I don't think I shall be completing that in future, much as I deeply enjoyed all the cycling - especially the 450 miles with Prajnakara. I feel my own fundraising work is completed now for the present, as - together with Gofundme and other fundraising avenues, I have raised £74,919.00 for the Kolkata Project in the last year.

That is enough for now. We have plenty to use in the bank and the main work of building the sangha in Kolkata can continue to go ahead and develop. In November and December this year I intend to be in India for a month and will join Order Members in Kolkata to that long-term aim.

As for my broken bones, They will heal. I saw a consultant at Addenbrookes hospital, Cambridge yesterday and after five seperate X-Rays she informed me that I have a broken triquetral or a broken wrist in other words. The good news was that it wasn't such a bad break after all. I have another consultation next week, however it is highly likely (I was told) that I will not need to have the wrist put in plaster. I was given the special splint shown here, and will simply need to wear that for 8 weeks and be careful with the wrist and all should recover well. I am currently experiencing low levels of pain and can write, paint and type. Sadhu!

However, this means no cycling at all for 8 weeks! Cycling would be dangerous and not help my recovery. I have lost around 8 kg in body weight from the ride and I intend to keep that weight off permanently. To that end, I shall be walking everywhere for the next 8 weeks - a great form of exercise. Today I walked 15 miles. I enjoyed it.

Finally..... thank you all for following this blog, and your lovely messages of encouragement and support through the highs and lows of both rides. Also, thank you so, so much for all the money and other valuables that you have donated to the project. It will ultimately make a big difference to the lives of probably thousands of Kolkatan women and men over the next few decades.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Day 12: Before the Fall

Here we are on the train heading back to Cambridge. Despite the disappointment of not finishing the ride, we both feel we've had an awfully big adventure. Hundreds of miles of great cycling and scenery, and meeting many great people.

The best came last. John and Irene England of Clune House in Newtonmore, were truly lovely, caring people. They will hold my bike in their garage so that I can arrange to have it packed up and posted back. Not only did they run a great B&B, they were great people in every way. Not every B&B owner would relish a callapsing guest but they took it in their stride.

Prajnakara has his bike with him and I have my basic gear. Saddhahadaya will meet us at Cambridge station.

This weekend I am urged to get my hand into a cast. The pain is still really bad.

Before my accident, our last ride had been really good. Here are some pictures.

Day 11: Lots of drama & logistics

Thank you so much for all your messages of support. Unfortunately our big ride is over. Prajnakara & I are taking a long train ride back to Cambridge today. He with his bike, and I am having my bike sent home. I shall not do a ride like this again. We did 450 miles to Newtonmore in the Highlands, which is where we are now.

Yesterday lunch time after cycling 22 miles on a remote highland cycletrack, I hit a pothole, the water bottle fell off my bike & rolled under the back wheel. It fetched me off in an instant. I hit my hand on the road. Can't remember if I hit my head or not. As it was really remote, I had to cycle a further 20 miles to the B&B. It was just a piece of bad luck.

I then callapsed at the B&B and was given First Aid by the landlord & PK & ambulance called. As I was unconscious for a long time, paramedics were concerned about brain damage or other serious conditions. Taken to Inverness hospital & kept in overnight. Given many tests: ECG, brain concussion tests, blood pressure, stroke etc. Eventually given all clear and concluded callapse was a mixture of extreme pain in my hand, shock and dehydration. Now feel nearly normal in my consciousness.

Was also X-rayed & found to have a badly broken hand. It is very painful indeed and I cannot use it. The Inverness doctor has arranged for it to be set at Cambridge, and a cast made for it at Addenbrookes hospital or I could lose some use of the hand. I have a window of several days. It is likely to take many weeks to heal. I will not be able to cycle, write or paint for some time, probably.

Prajnakara has been fantastic with his help. The B&B landlord and landlady John and Irene England of Clune House were kind, helpful and really went out of their way. The Ambulance & hospital staff were really first class. I could not have had better help & treatment. I am extremely grateful.

I am still taking it all in. I had a lot of morphine for the pain and this has left me a bit confused.

I feel I am now done with Kolkata fundraising. No more bike rides. It has been very successful, and that will help the project to flourish. Despite these unfortunate incidents, I am glad I did it. Hopefully, I can recover well from this. Watch this space.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Day 10: Accident

Sadly I am in Inverness hospital. Probable broken wrist. On morphine so off my head as I write. Possible concussion. Will need to come home at some point. Prajnakara is taking care of logistics. This is challenging.

Day 31: Homeward Bound & End of Blog

The Gateway of India The overnight stay at Hotel Accord in Mumbai was good. Saturday morning we rose at 5am and made our way by ...