Friday, May 27, 2022

Day 5: Through the curtain of Rock and Water

Today was The Big One - the long hard climb out of the Grasmere valley. We then descended into Thirlmere and passed through many short, steep climbs through the countryside to the Border city of Carlisle - which is where we now are.

Today's scenery was awesome, in the true sense of the term. Steep, majestic mountains, beautiful clear lakes and blazing flowers in the hedgerows.

Unfortunately we had to take a two mile detour around Thirlmere due to a blocked road. I also got slightly dehydrated, but soon put that right with PK's help.

At times, the wind was ferocious, and came at us mainly from the side. The steep climb up Dunmail Raise was a killer, but not as tough as last year's hills in Cornwall (see July 2021 on this blog). Getting towards Carlisle, we met two other touring cyclists. One kindly gave us £20 towards the Kolkata charity! They were looking for digs in Carlisle. I suggested Warwick Road area (which is where our B&B is). When we arrived, there they were - checking into our B&B!

It's a big, posh B&B and Prajnakara and I are glad to be installed here after a tough 47 miles, that were also awe-inspiring at times.

Scotland beckons tomorrow.

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