One of the most important days of my life, was when I learned to ride a bicycle. - Michael Palin
I am sat here on the night before we set off for Cheltenham. I am quietly excited.
Prajnakara arrived this afternoon, having cycled his Brompton folding bike and gear the 44 miles from his home in Stowmarket, Suffolk. It is so good to see him. He is staying here with me at Abbey House. When we finally get to John O'Groats, he will have cycled 44 miles further than me.
Tomorrow morning at 09.30, Shubhanaga generously drives us, our bikes and gear to my son and dughter-in-law's house in Cheltenham, where we stay overnight. I will then get to spend time building Lego towers with my granddaughter, Hazel, while evryone else chats. On Monday morning, my son Barney drives us to the starting line at the Shrewsbury Buddhist Centre, where the sangha will wave us off at 11am. The big pedal-off will be filmed and will no doubt end up on this blog. Watch this space!
This evening, Sukavi, Prajnakara and I went out for an excellent Mexican meal in Cambridge - to celebrate the start of the Big Ride. Sukavi generously gives his time (as an ex-Accountant) to keep an eye on all the finances for Triratna Kolkata. Thank you so much to all you generous donors out there. It makes a big difference.

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