Monday, July 19, 2021

The map is not the territory

Here I am in Cheltenham with my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Lovely to see them, and lovely to be here!

I got a very warm welcome, and all manner of food was laid on. I'm sleeping in a large tent in the garden on an airbed as they have all recently had some sort of bug (not Covid). Sadly, we have to keep our distance.

Today was different. There were very few hills. Just a big one climbing out of Bristol city. After that, it was pretty flat and I enjoyed that. A record day - 55 miles, and it felt like it. Some of it was enjoyable, some of it was gruelling - because of the hot sun. Main issue is still the heat. Between 3 and 4 in the afternoon, I simply have to rest in the shade for an hour. It's just too hot to keep riding. Some very lovely Gloucestershire countryside. 

At 4pm I suddenly felt rather weak in the heat. I went into a Tesco Express and bought and drank off half a pint of cold strawberry milk and ate a bag of cashew nuts. I felt fully restored after that.

Am now showered, refreshed and looking forward to dinner with the family. I feel completely fine now. My 62 year old body continues to amaze me with it's resilience. I feel lucky that way. I have also NOT had any arthritic problems so far. The cycling is really helping that.

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