Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Day 3: More of the same but tougher

 Today was the toughest physical day of my life, and I have come through it. I cannot remember a physical experience. as grueling as today.  The 45 miles from Truro to Liskeard were monumentally tough with the longest, steepest hills I have ever known. I spent most of the day pushing the bike up interminable hills in this heatwave we are having. It was character-building.

I got to this family-run pub/hotel outside Liskeard, and the staff were so welcoming. After a shower and change, I ate a scrumptious pizza and drank a pint of shandy. I felt a new man after that. What amazes me is how quickly my body bounces back. It seems to quickly recover and I sleep like a log.

Tomorrow I cycle only 30 miles to

 Okehampton in Devon where I will meet with my 90 year old father and my 65 year old brother. It should be good.


  1. Hello Saddharaja, I'm on a solitary retreat and you came to mind so I got curious about how you're getting on. Sounds like a proper challenge so far! I'm keeping mobile off from now so look forward to read about your ride again after the retreat. Much love, Nagesvara

  2. Amazing effort.Keep it up. You can always try my electric bike when you get to Garway - probably no need as you will be superfit by then. Shantipala

    1. Looking forward to seeing you both, Shantigarbha!


Day 31: Homeward Bound & End of Blog

The Gateway of India The overnight stay at Hotel Accord in Mumbai was good. Saturday morning we rose at 5am and made our way by ...