Thursday, June 10, 2021

My arthritic condition


I suffer from sero-negative inflammatory arthritis, which is a form of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). I've got very used to it over the last 21 years. Initially, I was very disabled by it and on crutches. After the first year, I slowly got back to something like a normal life - with the help of a wonder drug called sulfasalizine. Without this, I would be in a lot of trouble.

RA is an 'auto-imune desease', meaning my immune system is attacking my joints. No-one knows why this happens, but there are theories.... I live with a lot of daily pain. One day, this joint, tomorrow another joint. Every day is different. I recently realised that I have become so inured to pain, that I hardly recognise it anymore. It is so normal. My partner, she recently asked me: "Are you in pain at the moment, Love?" I had to stop and observe and then said "Yes, in my wrists and feet today". It sounds strange, but sometimes I haven't noticed fully, as it is so normal. I can't remember life without pain. I also have osteoarthritis in my feet.

Cold, damp conditions are the worst for me. Also sitting still for long periods. So I can only really meditate for 50 minutes max now. 30 minutes is better. I don't take painkillers at all as, if I did, I would probably become addicted. I would need a lot. Exercise and movement are best.

I am not a moaner. I just get on with life and appreciate what's good in my life (which is a lot). 

A few years ago a Rheumatologist at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, suggested I cycled, swam and went to the gym more. He said that vigourous exercise would improve my musculature, which would then support the joints more. It would also help stave off osteoporosis (thinning bone density) which I am at high risk of. He was right. These excercises are working well, and my week contains a mix of cycling, walking and visits to the YMCA gym. When the pools reopen, I'll be swimming again.

I currently cycle around 130 miles a week. I have cycled 8000 miles since March 2020 lockdown. 

This LEJOG cycle is within my abilities, I believe. And..... I'll continue to keep taking the tablets.


  1. You’re amazing Saddharaja! You’re probably the most determined AND organised person I know. I can’t wait for you to start on your great adventure, and who knows, I may well donate a bit more!!!


Day 31: Homeward Bound & End of Blog

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