Thursday, June 24, 2021

Kingsway Cycles

Here's the bikeshop that I use in Cambridge - Kingsway Cycles at 8 City Road, Cambridge CB1 1DP. (01223 355852). They are such a good bikeshop. It's run by Steve and Nick and I have been using the shop's services for 21 years now. I wouldn't think of going to any other bikeshop. I have bought three bikes from them in that time - all of which are being regularly ridden (I gave one away to a friend). 

Kingsway was recommended to me by a friend when I first moved to Cambridge. So many folk in the Cambridge Triratna Buddhist Community use them for all their bike needs. Apart from selling all kinds of bikes and ebikes, they also stock extensive cycle clothing and spares. They also hire bikes and carry out same-day servicing and repairs.

On their website, they describe themselves as Cambridge's most helpful bike shop, and I would say this is definitely true. That's always been my experience over the last 21 years. They have been very helpful with this upcoming Land's End to John O'Groats (LEJOG) ride. Lots of free advice and cycle wisdom for taking this iconic trip. They have recently prepared my bike and set it up with all the spares I'm likely to need - all for a subsidised price. They have been generous, and have allowed me to publish my fundraising page on their spocial media site - very helpful. I feel well-backed up by them.

I have a story regarding their helpfulness. Before I retired in 2018, I was working in the Secure Mental Health Unit of Fulbourn Hospital for three and a half years. It was a demanding but satisfying job, and I was working early, late and night shifts at the hospital. I was cycling back and forth at all hours, I needed a reliable bike. Nick sold me a second-hand Marin Hybrid which never let me down. However, when I was doing regular nightshifts, I would take NHS study books in to work with me for the long nightshifts (which were mostly pretty quiet). I would load up my back panniers with heavy books, along with sandwiches, flasks, art materials (I used to do a lot of Art with the patients) and other paraphernalia. I think I was overloading those panniers with too much stuff. 

I started to get broken spokes on the back wheel. Each time I took it in to Kingsway to repair the wheel, Steve and Nick had it repaired before my next shift started. After two lots of broken spokes, Steve tactfully said "You've probably got a lot of weight on that back wheel, why don't we put a stronger wheel in there for you?" What with all the gear I was carrying and me being 90kg, it was too much for the poor old back wheel. This solved the problem of the broken spokes. Steve didn't say "Don't overload your bike!", he was practical about it, and solved the problem permanently. 

In this recent photo here with Nick, I am pictured with my bike serviced and ready to go on the LEJOG. You'll notice I'm not taking much stuff. As I'm staying in B&Bs each night, my gear is all very lightweight and minimal, without leaving anything essential out. I've learned my lesson about overloading bikes!

1 comment:

  1. I’m the happy recipient of that bike from Saddharaja!! I needed a bike and lo! Saddharaja gave me one! I ride it every day to work (also the NHS) and it’s never let me down. Well, it did once but that was my own silly fault.
    Thanks Saddharaja, you’re a generous chap.


Day 31: Homeward Bound & End of Blog

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