The overnight stay at Hotel Accord in Mumbai was good. Saturday morning we rose at 5am and made our way by taxi through the much quieter streets of the vast, over-crowded megatropolis that is Mumbai. One of the world's largest cities at at nearly 21 million people.
We three friends parted at the airport: Adityabodhi back to Pune and Sanghanath and I back to the UK.
Sanghanath and I are back in Cambridge now. We reached Heathrow at 2pm today and Vimalanath was thankfully there to pick us up at Heathrow. SADHU!
It is always a long flight back and I had a chance to reflect on what an excellent month this has been.
A month of good work, wonderful friendship, some fascinating tourism, pilgrimage, being the recipients of great hospitality and generosity, cultural diversity and an awful lot of travel. Within India itself, we travelled over 4000 miles.
I feel very grateful to be sat here in Cambridge now - having had such an experience.
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