Saturday, January 18, 2025

Day 18: Day Event in Alwar

Alwar traditional archetecture

The evening event last night was good with about 17 Nagaloka men and women alumni - all in their 30s. We introduced ourselves and performed puja. A good atmosphere in what was a very cold vihara. They all revere NM as their old teacher from years back.
Last night was very cold. The marble-floored room we three are staying in is an ice-box. It's built for hot weather and this isn't. We slept under piles of blankets to keep warm. The electricity keeps going off. We washed in freezing water this morning. However the classic India 'bread-omelette' with paratha and chai breakfast was excellent.
This is India.
By 10.30, the sun was breaking out and instantly it warmed up.
Morning in Rajasthan

Off to the Day Event at the vihar

Day Event at the vihar
Dr Ambedkar statue

Alwar market

The Day Event went very well with 50+ people. Many had travelled a long way outside Alwar. The theme was 'Faith'.
In the late afternoon we drove to a tiny tailor shop. NM wants to buy me a traditional Indian 'matching shirt-pant'. Very kind of him. Tomorrow, it will be made!
Then we went out to the mountainous Rajasthani countryside. We visited a very nice retreat centre which is multi-faith. Our community is using it for regular retreats. I enjoyed seeing this place and meeting the owner/manager from Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is a country I have never visited, but want to.
We met some Rajnesh followers, and they were very pleasant to us, sharing chai and biscuits etc.
At the retreat centre

We are now at the house of a friend, waiting for the evening meal to be served.
I am pleased that the weather has suddenly turned much warmer. It will only go down to 14C tonight. Currently we are sitting outside on charpoys (7.45pm). We could not have done this last night.
This is India.
Finally, I spotted no less than four Sonalika tractors today. It's a popular brand in Rajasthan, it seems. I have not seen it before anywhere else in India.
Sonalika DI-6Rx

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