Saturday, January 11, 2025

Day 11: Eating oranges in Warud

After a comfortable first night at NM & NS's nice small flat in North West Nagpur, we arose at 05.30 for meditation as usual. We have not slept enough, but hope to catch up later.
No yoga today as we are on the road for a day event at Warud. A lot of people will be there, as it is Sunday, the only day off in India (most Indian 'workers' work 6 days a week).
So we are heading north west into the countryside.
On the road to Warud

Though our flat is in the suburbs of Nagpur, there is a large herd of buffaloes right next to the flat! 
The buffalo herd seen from the flat

Like Nagpur, Warud is an 'orange city' famed for its juicy oranges. Amazingly, many oranges have bright green skins here, but the fruit inside is orange. They are so delicious.
Mosquitos are bad in this region, so I sleep with a net up here and am taking antimalarials daily.
The countryside (which is most of India) is so different to the towns and cities. Subsistence living, little villages, with temples, bullock carts, herds of goats, old bicycles, women in colourful saris, and traditional ways which haven't changed much in thousands of years.
Bullock cart

Mahindra 475 seems to be the main tractor in this region.
Mahindra 475

This morning we toured two villages and met scores and scores of smiling, devoted Buddhists who wanted to meet us. 
We had a great day at the vihar (temple). A day of devotion and friendliness. The food at lunch time was very hot! It was a relief to eat the sweet Warud oranges.
Around 130 men and women attended, and once again our car had to inch through the waving crowds when we left at 5.30 pm. People are so nice here.
Tomorrow is another free day and we are sight-seeing in Nagpur city. It is a vast city approaching the size of London.
After a really long day, there was, of course a house-warming party arranged during which I fell asleep before even getting any supper. This is a major Indian faux pas. Folk realised I was 'peopled-out' and my supper was fast-tracked and I was driven back to the flat and got to bed at a decent hour.
I simply don't have the endless Indian capacity for human contact. One needs space for oneself, as Noel Coward would say.

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