Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Lands End to John O'Groats (LEJOG): Final Leg - Inverness to John O'Groats

I am on a train to Inverness, in the Scottish Highlands. My feet barely touched the deck in Cambridge before I was off again for a final Big Ride. Finishing off my three-ride odyssey from Land's End to John O'Groats. Three rides over four years. Just 150 miles and then it's the end of an era.
This time I have my Brompton folding bike - much easier on the trains.
As I've said recently, this is definitely the last of my Big Rides - for fundraising or for pleasure. Just weekend rides from now on. 
The reason is my Rheumatoid Arthritis. It does require more management now as I age. Though cycling and exercise help my condition, the reality is that hills and headwinds are getting harder on my arthritic knees. Big rides are tough. You have to be fit and functional as well as good with logistics.
Arriving back in Cambridge from New York was nice. Unfortunately, there was a train strike, and my Cambridge train was standing room only. So packed that it was like a local train in Kolkata (Calcutta), but without folk riding on the roof! (this literally happens).
I'm still absorbing the American rides and general experience there. I think it has changed me somehow.
Though USA has high standards of living, it appears that most people don't have that. They work many jobs and live in trailer parks and the essentials of life are precarious.
Though I'm a UK pensioner with a modest income, I live a quality life of friends, family and spiritual community. I'm surrounded by art and creativity in Cambridge. I feel fortunate and grateful 
I've seen extensive, appalling poverty in India, of course. But because India is such a rich, family and caste-based culture, there is a support network. Perhaps it is in America, too, I didn't stay long enough to judge.
I will never forget my wonderful hosts in USA, together with the awesome landscape and fascinating animal life.
Tomorrow, I cycle north to a B&B in Alness. Currently it is raining, which I don't mind.

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LEJOG3 - Final Blog Post

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