Monday, May 6, 2024

New York morning & Flight home to London

My last day in New York. I had a deep and long sleep in the hotel and a walk in a public park in the Queens area. It was comfortable in the hotel and the staff were helpful and nice. That made up for it being located in an unattractive area.
The shuttle to the airport was efficient and friendly. I could see the iconic Manhatten skyline in the distance.
So now I'm through security and chilling out in the restaurant area with New York Bagels, Philadelphia and coffee. It feels appropriate. 
Whats App is a wonderful thing. I regularly exchange photos with my granddaughters. The oldest wants to know where in America Granddad is.

A couple of weeks ago, I had my 65th birthday, so here is the picture from that. AB & SB made a big fuss of me with special food and presents. It was great to have this significant birthday in USA. What did I do on my birthday? I went for a long bike ride, of course!
So let's hope the last leg to London goes smoothly.

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