Sunday, May 8, 2022

How Triratna Buddhism could help Kolkata people

Lake near Kalyani, North Kolkata.


Local sangha members in North Kolkata.

Saddharaja and Adityabodhi teaching in a hutment area in Pune, Maharashtra.

Meditation classes in Kolkata.  At the railway station: Nityasri is third from the left, and Nagamitra is fifth from the left.
Nagamitra leading walking meditation on a retreat in Kolkata.

Howrah Railway Sation, Kolkata

Kolkata is one of the poorer cities of the world, and very densely populated. There are 15 million people living there - all madly packed in. Deep poverty is all around and the pollution within the city is challenging. Why start a Triratna Buddhist Centre here? Why not go somewhere a bit easier? 
The reason we want to develop Triratna activities here is as follows:

1) Many Bengali people are deeply interested in the Dharma here. They want to immerse themselves in it, and they will value meditation, the Refuges and Precepts, and a way of developing themselves within what can be a tough life. I have met so many Bengali people who want to Go for Refuge - if the facilities and sangha are there.

2) Bhante Sangharakshita had a deep connection with Kolkata from his early days and was keen that a Triratna centre was established here. 

3) Actually, Kolkata is a deeply cultural city, with many beautiful and uplifting aspects: architecture, theatre, poetry, art, dance, cinema and literature. It is the home of Rabindranath Tagore and 'The Bengal Renaissance'. There are many cultural facilities to augment a Buddhist life here.

4) It might sound corny, but I did actually have an unexpected 'spiritual vision' whilst visiting an old grave yard in South Park Street, Kolkata in 2014. A vision of a Triratna Centre here in Kolkata. I hadn't expected it. I was just temporarily visiting Kolkata on my way to a pilgrimage, when this Big Idea flashed into my consciousness, and has remeained and grown there ever since. I really didn't expect that.

Since that time, so many Order Member friends have shared that vision too, and augmented it. Nagamitra and Nityasri (who current live in Nagpur and are intending to move to Kolkata), Adityabodhi in Pune and Maitridasa at Padmaloka - and many others, too numerous to mention. 

We all feel a Triratna Centre in North Kolkata is where we should establish things, and go from there. That work has started. It won't be easy, but it will be incredibly valuable to perhaps tens of thousands of women and men in the future.

That is why Prajnakara and I are about to undertake this fundraising ride. Watch this space.

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