Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Day 3: Bring me your smile...

Here we are in Morecambe and have settled into the B&B. This evening, Prajnakara and I will go and get a photo next to Eric Morecambe's statue - the town's most famous son. Except his name was really John Bartholomew, but 'Bartholomew and Wise' didn't sound good enough for showbiz.

We cycled nearly 50 miles today - a record for me. Prajnakara is an ideal man to do this trip with, as he's such an experienced cyclist and great company to boot.

We cycled at least 10 miles on an old canal towpath from Wigan to Preston. It was very beautiful but a bit slow on the gravelly surface. After that we cycled 21 miles on the cycle lane of a main A road to Lancaster. We were sheltered from a strong sidewind by trees and hedges and made fast progress. The last bit from Lancaster to Morecambe was a real slog as we were heading into a serious headwind that could stop you dead in you tracks when the gusts were strong. But we got there, and plenty of sandwiches, bananas, cake and Twix bars were consumed to keep the energy flowing. On a trip like this, you probably need to consume 5000 calories a day.

There is so much beauty in the countryside to take in, and sometimes we just stop and look at it. But there's no getting away from it, Land's End to John O'Groats is a real physical endurance test. It's serious exercise all day long. On the health front, so far so good for both of us. Tomorrow, we hit the Lake District and Rydal Water, which is associated with William Wordsworth.

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