Friday, February 25, 2022

Carrying on where I left off - The final ride in May 2022


HELLO! 2022 is a new year, and a lot has happened. My Land's End to John O'Groats solo fundraising ride ended somewhere near Shrewsbury, last July. I got ill and had to come home. But.... I raised over £14000, and that money is already supporting three Buddhist workers in Kolkata, and the project progresses. So the whole thing was a success. I also really enjoyed the ride - despite the heat wave and my illness.

I want to complete the ride this year and plan to cycle from Shrewsbury to John O'Groats starting on May 23rd and finishing on June 7th or thereabouts. That's around 650 miles (1046 kilometres). Since my last Big Ride for Kolkata, I've put in some serious training of around 100 miles a week, rain or shine - all through the year. I've loved it. I cycle 7 days a week.

However, it has to be said that my rheaumatoid arthritis condition is getting slowly worse, and requiring more effort to manage. This will have to be my final big fundraising ride. I need to get on and do it while I can, as at some point, I won't be able to.

Hopefully, there will be no Covid problems and no illness this year. The other big news is Prajnakara from the Ipswich Buddhist Centre. He has offered to accompany me on the ride and support what I'm doing. As he's an experienced long-distance cyclist and all-round good chap, I'm so glad about this. Having his company will improve everything and keep me going.

Keep an eye on this blog, as from May 23rd, I'll be posting a video diary daily - just like last year. I'll also post regularly on the run up to the ride.

There's a revamped fundraising page to be found at:

Love, Saddharaja

Day 31: Homeward Bound & End of Blog

The Gateway of India The overnight stay at Hotel Accord in Mumbai was good. Saturday morning we rose at 5am and made our way by ...